March 14, 2024 - 11:40am --

The Lake County Juvenile Court Judge Michael DeLeone created a partnership with Lake County OSU Extension, 4-Youth Development program and the Ohio State Highway Patrol to implement a traffic safety program for first-time teen traffic offenders. Lake County 4-H CARTEENS aims to keep teen drivers safe while having fun doing it. Youth and their parent or guardian, participate in an informational class, with numerous engaging activities. The goal is to get them thinking about safety on the road and decrease teen traffic offenders.

Click here for current Lake County CARTEENS dates.


4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEENS goals include: 

  • reducing the number of repeat juvenile traffic offenders,
  • decreasing the number of teen traffic offenders, and
  • increasing teen awareness of traffic/vehicular safety.


For more than a century, the Ohio State University Extension (OSU Extension) 4-H Youth Development Program has helped people help themselves through educational programs and activities in each of Ohio’s 88 counties. OSU faculty and staff located in county Extension offices recruit and engage adult volunteers and teen leaders who provide leadership to educational programs for youth in local communities. Over the years, extensive county needs assessments conducted by Ohio State University Extension repeatedly identified teen vehicular safety as a priority need in Ohio’s communities.

The 4-H CARTEENS vehicular safety initiative was developed in response to this need. The original CARTEENS Program began in Brown County, Ohio in 1987 with the support network of Becky Cropper (Brown County OSU Extension 4-H Educator), volunteer teen leaders, the juvenile probate court, and the Ohio Highway Patrol. Since 1987, the 4-H CARTEENS program has expanded throughout Ohio and to several other states across the nation.

The “Car” in CARTEENS stands for “Caution And Responsibility”, and “Teens” refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In CARTEENS programs, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to first-time teen traffic offenders, while also building offenders’ self-esteem and interpersonal skills. Teen traffic offenders attending this program have typically been cited for speeding, stop sign violations, reckless operation, and other, similar moving violations. CARTEENS program topics include excessive speed, driving under the influence, seat belt safety use, consequences of unsafe decisions, dealing with peer pressure, understanding traffic laws, and recognizing and reacting to traffic signs and signals.

Ohio 4-H CARTEENS has proven to be a valuable tool in educating Ohio’s teen drivers and saving lives on Ohio roads. In addition, communities are strengthened by bringing together teens and adults representing local agencies and organizations that are working to address this need. Teens also gain leadership, public speaking, and organizational skills. Data collected from 4-H CARTEENS participants indicate a significant reduction in second-time traffic offenses, increased use of safety belts, reduced drinking and driving, and an increased use of caution when driving. More than 80 percent of the participants in a recent survey said they planned to use more caution when driving and will increase their use of seat belts. Many Ohio counties have received an award of honor from the National Safety Council Youth Division in recognition of their program impacts.