The Lake County Extension office has soil testing kits available for sale. Why soil test?

Kits are $12 each (cash or check) and can be purchased from our office during normal business hours or mailed with pre-payment (see mailing option below). After collecting the soil for your soil test, you will mail your sample directly to Penn State University.

Testing is available for gardens, home lawns, farm fields, and commercial horticulture operations.  The final report includes the chemical analysis of the soil along with lime and fertilizer recommendations for the crop specified.  Analysis is done at a non-biased university soil testing laboratory at Penn State University.

Instructions are included. A short instructional video on proper soil testing can be found here.

A copy of the results will be mailed to you within 10 business days. A copy will also be sent to our office, so if you have any questions Ann Chanon, Commercial Horticulture Educator, will be able to answer them for you.

Mailing Options:

If you would like a soil testing kit mailed to you, you can mail in a check/money order to OSU Extension, Lake County, 105 Main Street, Suite B402, Painesville, OH 44077.